I don't want to write or think or read. You may have noticed by the way I've successfully avoided this blog for the past few days.
What I want to do is clean my house and do dumb art projects with Tallulah. I haven't been actually cleaning my house for awhile because the cleaners we use have been making me nauseous and lightheaded since I got pregnant. I haven't been complaining since my husband has been catching the slack (Yay, Kent!) but lately I've been getting this urge to have sparkly clean surfaces throughout my house.
So yesterday, I gave away our noxious cleaners and made my own natural cleaners with baking soda, lemon juice, and grapefruit essential oil. Then I wiped down a bunch of surfaces, washed the dishes, did a few loads of laundry, organized more baby hand-me-downs, and made ladybug hats with Tallulah. This is nesting, right? Because if I had written about this type of day before being pregnant it would have been titled "Oh my God, Kill me now." But I'm feeling kind of smug and content with my projects.