Wednesday, January 23, 2008

You must understand my obsession

I woke this morning to a four year old standing at the foot of my bed.
"Yes, Tallulah?"
"Mommy, it's morning and I have no pants on."
"Come here. I want to show you something."

What an ominous beginning to a day. Horror movies use less foreshadowing. I follow Tallulah into the bathroom where 12 rolls of toilet paper are stacked tall like the Eiffel tower....ok, Tower of Pisa, pajama pants and night diapers are on the floor, and the toilet is full of poop.

"...then it was on my foot and I wiped it with my finger and..."Tallulah was saying as I tried to make sense of the scenario with sleep-bleary eyes.
"Wait, what was on your foot?"
"Poop. I sat down and poop got from my butt to my foot. I wiped my foot with my finger and poop was on it. Then I wiped my finger on my leg-- here-- and poop got there, too. Then I played with my toys."

I don't even know where to begin cleaning this house, but my obsession with showers and personal cleanliness is becoming understandable, no?