After six weeks of four interrupted hours of sleep a night, I'm starting to hit the wall. I'm hallucinating bugs flickering around in my periphery and my eye keeps twitching.
Yesterday I fell asleep at Whole Foods. We stopped for an afternoon snack of chocolate cookies-- Tallulah, Moxie, and me. While Tallulah munched her cookie and played at the activity tables, I sat and jiggled Moxie to sleep. The next thing I know, I'm jerking awake as my arm goes limp. Thankfully, I jerked awake before Moxie took a header to the floor.
I'd really like to slow down a bit, but I don't know how. I set a precedent of being able to manage and now I have a bunch of goals and to do lists to maintain. Plus, everybody keeps telling me how awesome I'm doing with two kids and I'm kind of basking in the praise. I think I'll just keep going at this pace and claim I have narcolepsy. And tie my sling a little tighter.