Thursday, January 31, 2008

Worried about my parenting skills

Not me. No, I'm pretty confident in my ability to keep my babies alive and even thriving. But Moxie, the two month old, has no confidence. She spends most of her day looking like this:

Then, when she gets to crying, in those seconds before I figure out whether it's hunger, sleepiness, or poop, she screams, arches her back and looks frantically around the room as though to say, "HELP! Could someone who knows what they are doing Puh-lease Save Me??!!"

I thought this would even out as we got to know each other. She might cut me a little slack after a few weeks of getting her needs met, having her every whimper attended to. But no. Yesterday in line at the post office, a woman asked me if she'd gotten bitten (!!) on her face. Um no. Those are her worry lines. The deep divets at the eyebrow are just her constant concern over my parenting ability. I'm saving up for her Botox now because if things continue this way, I'm going to need to paralyze her 'skeptical' face before we get to kindergarten. Imagine facing this every time you fold a towel or pick out an outfit:

Just this morning she started getting crabby, obviously needing something. But instead of screaming outright, she gave me this meek little smile, as though she's given up on crying as a way to get her needs met and is resorting to playing cute games for attention. How can someone be passive aggressive at TWO MONTHS?

Give me plain old aggressive any day.