A friend suggested I share this email I sent her earlier and since I've got no other parenting stuff to write about, despite my aggressive, 24 hour a day parenting schedule, here goes:
you know that joke Sarah Silverman makes about how, when you take a shower with your boyfriend, your breasts will come out sparklingly clean? Tonight I discovered that it is also true when you take a shower with tallulah. Sparkling.
Actually, I take that back. I do have parenting stuff to write about.
Last week or so, I wrote about how my husband's Gung Fu practice was causing a dilemma: schedule it in the evenings and make me crazy with no help during our family witching hour, or make him (and me) miss doing a fun activity altogether. Kent and I negotiate our down time and now, with the addition of Moxie, are going through a completely new cycle of negotiation. Because both solutions were sacrifices, we kept going around with it until Kent came up with the brilliant solution of asking his sensai to change the class time. He did and now Kent's practice is at 8:30 and he can help me put Tallulah to bed before he goes. Yay.
There is some kind of moral here about negotiation and communication and expressing your needs, but I've been in uber-parenting mode all day with a limit-pushing four year old and all of my cause and effect processing has been whittled away by the word, "why."
"No, you can't have another muffin."
"Because you've already had three"
"Because mommy is weak willed"
"Hmm, I don't know. Low self esteem? A pathological need for love and acceptance?"
I have to post this now because my computer time is officially over. I just heard Moxie fill her diaper and I'm across the room from her.