Thursday, October 23, 2008


I haven't been able to write about parenting because I haven't been able to think about parenting. In fact, I'm trying hard not to think about anything at all. I've been feeling lately that my life is all work-- working at my job, working at my housekeeping, working on my marriage, working on my friendships, work, work, work. Not because I'm putting any energy into any of these things, but because nothing is fluid or smooth right now.

You know what I'm talking about. Some days you tell your kids to get their jammies on and go to bed and they do. And then they sleep for four hours straight giving you and your husband a chance to drink a glass of wine, giggle about an Onion article, and make sweet sweet sexy time before falling asleep at a reasonable hour. Then the next day, well rested, your best friend calls just after you've dropped off your kid at preschool and she's dropped her kids at school and wants to giggle about fashion and celebrities and other non-important issue over omelettes.

Other days, you tell your kids to go to bed and they scream and kick and trash the playroom and it takes two hours to get the oldest one in bed and then the baby won't fall asleep even though you pace for an hour with her. And you pass her off to your husband just as the older one comes out of her room AGAIN to demand water. And at some point in the middle of the night after being awakened by a hungry nursing baby or a foot in the face by a restless preschooler (because of course she climbed in bed with you when she woke up for the fifth time at midnight) you are lying in bed unable to get back to sleep and realize that the only words passed between you and your husband all day was "Oh, I was going to tell you about..." before being interrupted by one or both of the children and "Your turn" as you passed a screaming child between you. Then the next morning your best friend calls to talk about her crappy day and when you are interrupted by the baby crying she gets frustrated and when you both try to figure out a time to hang out and chat no time is available because of this doctor's appointment or that errand. And when all of this happens it's no one's fault, it's just the way life is, but it makes every day feel like work. Even the things that usually are fun and fulfilling.

The days when nothing is fluid, it's easy for me to feel oppressed and depressed about my life. It's been a long time since I've had a complete night's sleep and with Moxie only ten months old, this isn't going to change soon. I'm back at work and we're still not getting ahead financially-- that's not going to change soon. Kent and I are doing fine, we're just too tired and busy to connect and that's not going to change anytime soon. I'm trying not to think about this too hard. I'm just doing what I have to do; washing the dirty baby or floor or kitchen or laundry. I'm taking care of the work at hand and squinting at the big picture. I'm trying not to rush through this hard time because this babyhood and young childhood is a weird combination of stress and joy and I'm not sure its possible to have one without the other. Of course, if I'm wrong and there is a way to get through this without the painful days, one of you bitches better tell me.