It's Tuesday and I'm doing my regular Tuesday routine: running mad loads of laundry, tidying up the house, scrubbing the kitchen, folding and putting away laundry, running to the grocery, preparing meals for the week... you know, the usual mom stuff. Tuesdays are my catch-up day after working all weekend because, even though Kent does cook and run a load of diapers over the weekend, he just doesn't see the house the same way I do. The grease on the stove top, the crusties in the crevices of the highchair-- these are visible only to female eyes.
And everytime I put the baby down, she tries to climb Tallulah's stair step-- it's her latest 'work'. Moxie loves to accomplish things: climbing up the stairs, reversing and climbing back down, gumming an entire apple, climbing into the living room chairs and turning to sit like a grown up-- these are her Mt Everests. She is conquering the world one baby milestone at a time and today's milestone is climbing onto the 2 and 1/2 foot stairstep that Tallulah uses to help me in the kitchen and pulling all the books off the non- baby proofed bookshelf she can reach from the top. But every time she leans against the bookshelf with one hand so she can grab and fling books with the other, the stair step slides farther away from the shelf. Yikes! So I keep dashing from the laundry to her, the cooking to her, the scrubbing to her. Since this is my day at home with just Moxie, one could say that it's a day to relax, but one would be wrong. Then one would get a punch in the nose.
It is however, a gorgeous day. The sun is shining, the breeze is blowing in the windows, and it has cooled down so much Tallulah and Kent complained that they were cold. Then I went to the grocery store and people kept telling me to hurry from the car to the store and "get that baby inside where it's warm". Can you believe that? It's 68 degrees, people! Get some perspective!