In general, my stance on kid's music is: No, thank you. The only nasal, high pitched children's voice I want (have) to hear singing are the voices of my own progeny. And grown people generally are overbearing and annoyingly bright eyed when they 'sing' to children. They were the perky rejects from real bands.
Oh, but today has been the revolving door of bad moods as Kent and I have traded off choretime, babytime, and attitudes. So when Tallulah got up from her nap and we spent the first 15 minutes in sullen silence while Tallulah jumped on the couch for Moxie's amusement, I broke down and turned on Laurie Berkner.
She is a lyrical genius.
Listening to her simple chords, her silly lyrics, and her clear voice, I started getting back into the parenting mood. Her music reminds me to have fun with my kids. She makes parenting seem fun, lighthearted, and easy. And when she sings that we aren't perfect but we do our very best, I believe her.
Meanwhile, Tallulah has found a box of pictures I still need to go through and find a home for and is laying them out like a deck of cards; "me, me, me, me." Then she turns to me happily, "Mommy, I'm so cute!"
I love that she is so simply pleased with her pictures. She hasn't gotten to the age of judging her looks or her body. She just enthusiastically enjoys reflections of herself. And I can't help thinking that at this age, her most accurate reflection is me and how I see her, how I respond to her. And obviously, that reflection is pretty damn great. Maybe this parenting thing IS easy. (could Laurie Berkner have a brainwashing track in her music? Something that, when you play it backwards, says "I love to parent! My children are fantastic!" If she adds, "Chocolate is for suckers! I love to exercise!" I'll replace all the music in my Ipod with her tracks.)