Tallulah is fascinated with my tummy. Her fascination began with pregnancy when my tummy grew and grew and grew, but it has continued past pregnancy. In the night, when she crawls into bed beside me, she inches my shirt up and rubs my tummy slow and cautiously, trying not to wake me up.
When she climbs on top of me, like she did tonight, she kneads and rubs my tummy like making bread dough, her eyes all soft and lovey like a kitten kneading before falling asleep.
"Tallulah," I ask, "Why do you rub my tummy? Do you like it because it's all squishy?"
She nods and smiles a shy, sleepy smile, continuing to knead my tummy.
"She told me she liked your tummy because it felt fluffy." Kent says.
I guess it's time to do some sit ups.