Sunday, November 9, 2008

Tallulah's bad haircut is good for me

I gave Tallulah a haircut tonight even though we only had ten minutes in part because of wine induced urgency. I drank a glass of wine at dinner-- or two-- and was staring at Tallulah's bangs hanging down over her eyes like a sheepdog and suddenly, tipsily, couldn't stand the thought of her having bangs in her face for One. More. Minute.

So I cut them.

I think they're pretty straight, you know, relatively speaking. I mean, her forehead isn't straight, you know? And one ear is definitely higher than the other and even her nostrils don't line up completely. So I did great, considering.

I'm foreseeing a lot of these wine-induced emergencies in our future. I went to the Holistic Moms Meeting this week and the one take-away message I got was that wine is, indeed, good for you. In particular organic Australian red wine because it has the highest level of resperidal, the anti-aging nutrient grapes produce. Which is great for the times I go to the Wine Warehouse, but on my regular Publix run Cheap Red Wine (no shit-- this wine exists and is tasty) will have to do.

It's for my health.