Today while I was showering I saw a spider in the upper ceiling corner of the shower. A little, compact spider. Now, I'm not a big fan of the long legged, gangly ones, but I read Charlotte's Web as a kid and I have a soft spot for the cute ones.
"Hello, Spider," I said brightly as I looked around my shower for something to knock down and kill it.
But then I stopped. Spiders kill and eat bugs. Maybe I should leave that cute little guy in the corner to clean up any bugs that get in the house. That way I get to choose the bug that lives in my house. One teeny cutie pie spider, no flies, ants, or other odd assortment of creepy crawlies.
But. Does the fact that one spider lives happily in my shower imply that many other bugs live in my house? I mean, it wouldn't be living in my shower if it were starving, right? So if I let the spider stay in my shower, is it just a living emblem of bigger buggier problems?
And. What if my cutie pie spider starts feeling her biological clock ticking? What's to keep her from starting her family in my shower? And if she starts a family in my shower, does that mean that the food supply is big enough to feed her entire family? Do I have a huge bug problem? Is my house gross and teeming with bugs?
But, if I don't kill her, maybe she can keep the population of bugs down. Maybe her presence will be a deterrent to bugs. If I do have bugs, maybe she is the first line of defense to start mowing them down.
To kill or not to kill?