Ok, here's why I only made one post last week:
Kent got an ear infection and was a miserable wreck because boys and pain? The opposite of chocolate and peant butter.
Then, I started contracting and continued for two days at ten minutes apart. They weren't terribly bad, but after two days, my whole body was sore. Imagine doing a set of crunches every ten minutes for two days. I totally deserve six pack abs.
Then, I was feeling better and Kent was still feeling crummy so I took Tallulah to a birthday party. All I did was stand around and eat and by the time I got home, my entire body was screaming with pain. Contractions? Tight and tired muscles? Fallout from the previous contractions? I don't know, but my now-patented cocktail and a heating pad remedy was only minimally helpful.
So here I am, behind in my posts, my emails and to-do lists piling up and all I want to do is lay in bed with my heating pad and alternate between reading really trashy romance novels and US Weekly. I don't know why these two forms of entertainment are so appealing-- maybe because they're at the opposite ends of the same spectrum. One is ridiculous and always ends in a happy and fulfilling marriage and the other is ridiculous and always ends in an unhappy marriage (or rehab clinic or shockingly bad couture).
It's possible that the lethargy I'm experiencing is purely because of the shitty week I just had. It's also possible that, as I enter my 35th week of pregnancy, this is how I'll be feeling for the next five weeks.
In honor of my lethargy, I'm proposing weekly posts. Say, on wednesday. I know the pressure will be on to make those weekly posts really great and scintillating, but let's not all get carried away with visions of wit and humor. I'm a little distracted right now.
See you Wednesday!