Sunday, August 19, 2007
Tallulah has, just this week, begun drawing humanoids. Ok, you can say it, my daughter is an artistic genius. I mean, look at this painting. Admit it, it moves you.
Notice the brown blobs in the left hand area of the humanoids; according to Tallulah these are Bags of Candy. Apparently, humanoids are incomplete without their requisite bags of candy because, since this first picture, she has drawn multiple other humanoids and they all have their bags of candy.
I think Tallulah is onto something. Wouldn't all great art be made even greater with bags of candy? The Mona Lisa's mysterious smile would be understandable-- she's contemplating jolly ranchers. The farmers in American Gothic would be less sullen-- perky even--, Whistler's Mother would seem less distant... really, this could change the face of modern art.
It also makes me want to take Tallulah to a candy store and let her pick out bags of candy just to watch her eyes light up. Forget for the moment that candy turns her into the Tasmanian Devil from old Looney Tunes cartoons. I want to give her that total luxury, the childish decadence of unlimited candy. I remember seeing those huge swirly lollipops as a kid, the kind that have a circumference of a dinner plate, and thinking, that must be the best tasting candy in the history of sugar.
Mmm, candy.